Data Science Altitude for This Article: Sea Level. Just a few words here about upcoming posts - I’m doing some research on the following topics:
The use of the reticulate package in R to integrate R and Python more easily into the same markdown document. Some enhancements have been made with RStudio 1.2 that are of interest. An interactive python session can be invoked, and there’s a naming convention standard for referencing objects in Python chunks that were created in Rmarkdown chunks, and vice-versa.
Data Science Altitude for This Article: Sea Level. Today’s post is for those of you that are looking to install R and RStudio on your home machine for the first time, and for those that don’t (yet) have a comfort level with installing software in general. I’ll provide links to others’ guides and documentation that provides a lot of detail; I could try that out myself, but I’m not here to re-invent someone else’s wheel.
Data Science Altitude for this Article: Sea Level. Today’s post is about vectors, one of the most common object types in R. It’s designed to be low-level introductory subject matter (thus our ‘Sea Level’ altitude on the mountain) for those that are are at the ‘curio sity’ stage of Data Science: what is it, how does it work, how do I go about getting my feet wet… That sort of thing.